> Getting by
> McDonald’s works for me
> Cara pils
> Corporate
> 5000t de C02
> Busco pis
During a lecture, I promise that I will plant a tree for every person who sneak out to smoke and is absent from the cycle of performances where the act takes place.

This talk was about analyzing the goodness associated with planting a tree to point out how sometimes universal consensus is reached based on fallacies. By promising to plant a tree for every person who goes out to smoke during the artistic act, I am using the same strategy of some companies that plant trees for every act of consumption (for every credit, for every mortgage) as well as that of the politicians who are photographed planting trees as a promise of a hopeful future. In total, we planted 103 trees virtually thanks to the service of a Start-up that facilitates the mass planting of real trees thanks to individuals or large companies.

As a colophon, the last tree we planted was the remains of the installation of the Fina Miralles exhibition at the MACBA: "I Am All the Selves that I Have Been." It is a Laurel that they used for the Catalan artist's exhibition and that had died months ago, although someone in the museum continued watering it for many months.
> Qui juga amb foc (ongoing)
> El que no és un arbre
> Performance performativa (RRD)

> il·lustrant sarnalona (L’H)

> Auca (CCF)